
The Wannsee Conference: Where The Holocaust Was Planned In 1942

When the Nazis started planning to exterminate the Jewish people, it was not in the suburbs of Berlin. In 1942, S.S. The 15 delegates traveled to a villa at 56-58 of Gro 56er Wannsee, ignoring Groloer Wannsee, to ensure that the final solution came together like a oil machine. During the 85-minute meeting, Adolf Eichman and his teammates consider a series of plans, some ridiculous and some simple but all evil. The plan only took a few months to arrive, it was implemented at the Vanesi Conference, but its reconsiderations were felt for years.

Wannsee Conference Planning

The Vannasi conference was planned during the summer of 1941, when Herman Goering wrote to SS General Reinhard Herdrich, instructing Heinrich Himmler's Second Order to make himself available as soon as possible "administrative, material, and A general plan for financial measures is necessary. The desired final solution to the Jewish question. "

The order came nearly two years after Germany invaded Poland and the U.S.S.R. And about a month after the war between Germany began, but discrimination against the Jewish people had become completely legal since 1933, when the Nazis took over Germany. During the next decade, the Nazis did everything they could to drive the Jewish people out of the country. He prohibited intermarriage between Jews and Germans and revoked the citizenship of anyone with a Jewish heritage, which was for less than two generations, but, apparently, it was not enough.

Martin Luther's letter from Heydrich, undersecretary at the Foreign Office, informed him that the conference would be delayed.

When was the vaunted conference, and who was there?

On 29 November 1941, Hedrick sent an invitation to a meeting on 9 December, but did not do so after Germany failed to capture the Soviet Union in a few weeks. Then Pearl Harbor happened. Originally, the Nazis had their plates full, so the meeting was pushed to January 20, 1942. Once everything came together, Hedrick hosted 14 men, most of whom were secretaries of state:
  • Otto Hoffman, head of SS Race and Settlement Main Office
  • Henrik Müller
  • Dr. Karl Eberhard Shogarth
  • Dr. Gerhard Klofer
  • Adolf eichman
  • Dr. Rudolf Lange
  • Dr. George lebrandand
  • Dr. Alfred Mayer
  • Dr. Joseph buhler
  • Dr. Roland frisler
  • Dr. Wilhelm Stucart
  • Erch Neumann
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger
  • Martin Luther
Information on the minutes of the Wannsee Conference and Eichmann's list, presented under glass at the Wannsee Conference House Memorial.

Wannsee Conference

All of these important figures were heard resoundingly as Heydrich shattered the number of the Jewish population of Europe to underline the "seriousness" of the "problem" and Adolf Eichman took minutes, followed by an old-fashioned brainstorm. . The group largely tossed around ideas to transport everyone from sterilization to Madagascar to take them to concentration camps in Poland and work them until they die. Nobody ever said the word "mayhem", but they eventually agreed to a version of the concentration camp plan, calmly noting that taking everyone to a camp would be too time consuming. He spent the rest of the time drinking.

After the Vansi Conference, five extermination camps were established with the aim of wiping out millions of Jews, bringing the total number of camps to six. At the same time, the gas vans traveled around the Chelmen extermination camp, killing people until the SS. Did not realize that gas chambers would be more efficient.

The dining room of the Wannsee Villa in 1942, the location of the Wannsee Conference in 1942.

After the Wannsee Conference

Historians are still not sure what a large part of the convention played in the Holocaust. It is clear that the Nazi of the European Jewish community was devastated during World War II, but when many plans were already in place, one thing is certain that the Vancei Conference allowed the views of disparate members of the party to cohabit.

However, there were other forces that failed to consider his plan, but literally. British, American, and Soviet armies shut down the Nazis throughout Europe, making it impossible for the fascist army to fully focus on its lethal targets. They may have carried out one of the worst atrocities for man, but at the end of the day, they were not prepared for the wrath of the Allies.

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