
The History Of Kissing: Why Do We Kiss Each Other And Where Did It Come From?

Graffiti, extension of Barriel Hall (15th century), Della Manta Castle, Manta (Cueno), Piedmont. Italy, 13th – 16th century.

From a long, passionate kiss to a kiss goodbye to a kiss on the cheek, to kiss is a key component of our culture and an important component in our relationships. But when did humans first start locking lips and why? Not all cultures in history have practiced kissing, so it seems as if it should be something more than a natural instinct. Whatever the case, the history of kisses goes back much further than our modern idea of ​​love and etiquette.

Kama ("desire, desire, or longing") scene in a Hindu temple.

India, Alexander, and the Middle Ages

According to the Vedic Sanskrit texts of India, around 1500 BC, people in India used to rub the forehead and nose together as a greeting. Several centuries later, the epic Indian poem Mahabharata described lip-on-lip kisses, while Kamasutra, a classic guide to all things erotic written around the third century AD, includes several suggestions on kissing techniques. It is thought after that that the fourth century C.E. Invaded India in that Alexander the Great brought the custom of kissing with him back to Europe.

A medieval ceremony of tribute, sealed with a kiss.

X marks the spot

From the classical era through the Middle Ages, kisses held many events beyond romance. It can be used to seal business or political deals, or as a greeting, especially among men. By the Middle Ages, everyone was kissing everyone across Europe, but the practice was governed by specific rules based on social status. One could kiss someone on his own level on his lips, and had to be kissed on the hands, checks, walking, or knees of superiors. When the object of desire was giving them a real big shot, they resorted to kissing the ground in front of them.

By the 14th century, the Catholic Church increasingly became concerned about kissing, which they saw as a gateway to other physical acts, and more secular authorities were soon troubled by their ability to spread the plague. Was. A decree in the Council of Vienna in 1311–1312 for Pope Clement V na Kare continues the use of the kiss as a sign of "holy kiss," or peace and goodwill during church services, and Henry VI for the outright plague in 1439 Kiss banned in England. Instead, people were asked to use uncontacted gestures, including bending over, tying one's hat and greeting, as a greeting. The Catholic Church allowed their followers to go so far as to shake a handshake, and Catholics today still use handshake in lieu of a kiss when they want to "be at peace with you." By the 18th century, hand kissing and handshaking were a space for making out in full cultural epochs.

A painting of a samurai and his lover, c. Is 1750.

Kiss around the world

Ask any middle schooler, and they will tell you that French kisses with their tongues. This may very well be true, but they were not the first to credit themselves for this. It is thought that after encounters with British and American soldiers during World War II the term "French kiss" was coined "sexually adventurous French citizens," but French galocher, a slang term meaning 'unless a special word for deed Not Tha Tongue Kiss, "has been officially added to the dictionary in 2014.

This will frighten people in some Asian cultures. In many parts of Asia, such as Thailand, lip-to-lip kissing was tantamount to cannibalism, and to this day, public displays of attachment are uncommon. New Zealand is common in these countries, as well as the islands of Polynesia (HON-GAEM) (ie sniff kiss, in which a person only has another cheek or forehead and puff against their nose presses).

European travelers to early Japan believed that the Japanese did not kiss because they never saw the practice, but what they did not realize was that the ancient Japanese kissed an intimate act that was kept in the bedroom and did not openly discuss was considered. It seems that the Japanese is a bit loose after contact with Europeans, but public kisses were still frowned upon as recently as 50 years ago. In fact, Japanese was not even a word for kissing in their language. He borrowed one from English, Kisu.

"Stone Age Cave Boy."

Kiss as feed

But why do we do this strange, immoral act? Some scientists believe that humans started kissing as a result of mouth-to-mouth feeding between mothers and their children. Many mammals chewed hard food to help their offspring digest it, and early humans were among them. They would then transfer the semi-mastic food from their baby's mouth to their child, and people eventually realized that it tasted a little better and started doing it for fun instead of living. It is unclear why some civilizations did not kiss until Alexander has been around, but. We can never have a great explanation, but honestly, does it really matter? Smooch is good when just smooching.

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