
Back when it was normal to advertise cocaine gadgets in magazines, 1970-1980


These old ads for cocaine and cocaine content show just how crazy and disturbing the 1970s was. This was a time when all kinds of coke tools such as sprays to reduce irritated nostrils, products to keep powder dry and free of clumps, ivory snuff straws, gold-plated razor blades, special coke sniffers It was common to see ads that offered. , Everything to make the experience easier.

While the War on Drugs was on and cocaine was still heavily illegal, selling and marketing Coke equipment (with the fine print "Not intended for illegal use!") was a legitimate and lucrative business.

Here, we look at some of the ads from the Coke era between 1976 and 1981 (aggregated from various magazines by The World's Best Ever Blog).

In the 1970s, cocaine emerged as the trendy new drug for entertainers and businessmen. Cocaine seemed to be the perfect companion for a trip down the fast lane. It "provided energy" and helped people stay "up".

In some US universities, the percentage of students using cocaine increased tenfold between 1970 and 1980. The height of drug use in the United States was in 1979, when, according to the FDA, one in 10 people used illicit drugs on a daily basis. , It was a glamorous party drug that fits well with late nights, loud music and flashy fashion.

Large quantities of the drug were going into the country from South America; It was cheap, and dealers took advantage of it by buying large quantities and mixing it with ammonia and baking soda to make a cheaper, solid version called crack.

While the white powder was whirling its way through wealthy parties, crack — solid, smokeable, pungent, and much more addictive — found its way into low-income communities.

While cocaine was traditionally a wealthy man's drug (due to the large expense of a cocaine habit), by the late 1980s, cocaine was no longer regarded as the drug of choice for the wealthy. By then, it had gained a reputation as America's most dangerous and addictive drug, linked to poverty, crime, and death.

In 1986, under Ronald Reagan, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was passed. One provision allows the president to increase tariffs (taxes on imports) on products from countries that are not in the U.S. to prevent drug imports into the United States. Do not cooperate in efforts.

Another provision facilitates confiscation of property (house, boat, car and money) of drug offenders. The act also created the first law against money laundering or the moving of illegally obtained money (such as drug sale proceeds) into or out of bank accounts.


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