
Ed Gein: Stories, Trivia, And Facts You Didn't Know Until Now

 Ed Gein: Wisconsin Cannibals. The Hungest Mama's Boy of the 20th Century. He's been in a strange place in America for a long time, but no one who lived in Plainfield, Wisconsin in the 1940s and 50s gave him a second look. He was a shy and quiet man, devoted to his mother, a barking lady, let's face it, a little prudent. She was such a grown-up figure in Gein's mind that when she passed away, she finally broke the 41-year-old. He climbed into her bedroom and living room, opting to stay in the dirt for the rest of the house. His new routine of making the local cemetery his playground was more disturbing, not in a fun, goth way, but it would be another nine years before he committed his first murder. Gein's gruesome crimes have inspired writers and filmmakers since the time the stories about his home hit the papers, and they are as horrifying today as they were in 1957.

Jin killed two women and took out many bodies

On November 16, 1957, Gein went to a Plainfield hardware store, where he shot the store's owner, Bernice Worden, in the head. He claimed that he accidentally fired at her while looking at the rifle, but either way, he admitted that he had pulled the trigger. That evening, Deputy Sheriff Frank Worden, who had just been Bernice's son, found his mother's shop in disrepair and a sales receipt for a gallon of antifreeze that took him straight to the Gein House. There, a Waushara County sheriff's deputy found Worden's body hanging upside down and "dressed like a deer", and Gein was arrested in a grocery store later that evening.

While in police custody, Gein confessed that between 1947 and 1952, he visited local cemeteries at least 40 times, where he exhumed freshly buried bodies, brought them home, and used them to make various household items. Stretched the skin. He also admitted to the shooting of Mary Hogan, the owner of the tavern, a woman who had been missing since 1954, although she claimed not to remember how she died. Gunshots seem like a safe bet, but you know how these things go.

Authorities found Gein's collection of human body parts while digging through his home

When the police investigate Gein's house, they may have thought they were walking through a particularly corrupt and realistic looking haunted house. Every room that wasn't upstairs was filled with pulp comics about cannibals and Nazis, countless numbers of bones, and skulls perched on every piece of furniture that had a post. What Gein had in his home is as mind-boggling as it is gruesome: masks made of human skin, various head, face, and arm parts scattered in various containers, and, somehow, a shoe full of cunts. Box. Gein crafted almost all of the items in his home from human skin, including a belt made of human nipples, a window shade drawstring made from a pair of lips, and a "women's suit".

Gein was still obsessed with his mother long after she passed away

Some people grow up in our lives, and for Ed Gein, it was his mother. The aforementioned "women's suit" was actually a corset and a pair of leggings made from human skin, but economics aside, Gean would often come in a "suit" so that he could metaphorically crawl into his mother's skin and become her. Can you When asked whether his attraction to the corpses of his mother or women was sexual, however, Gein backed down. He told officers that he never had sex with the dead bodies because they "smell very bad." A man should have standards.

Jin did not go to trial until 1968

It's important to note that serial killers weren't a thing in 1957. Officials at the time did not even have the vocabulary to describe these types of crimes, and the Waushara County Sheriff's Department was completely out of its depth with this. investigation. Waushara County Sheriff Art Schlee reportedly became so disheartened that he attacked Gein by slamming his face into a brick wall during interrogation, rendering his first confession unacceptable.

Nevertheless, Gein was put on trial on November 21, 1957, on a count of first-degree murder. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and was later discharged to the Central State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where he was diagnosed as schizophrenic and declared mentally incompetent to stand trial. He was later transferred to Mendota State Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.

Nine years later, Gean was determined to regain whatever psychic ability he had, and while on the stand, he confessed to killing Worden and Hogan. A judge found him guilty but legally insane, so Gean spent the rest of his life institutionalized. He died of liver cancer and respiratory failure on 26 July 1984 at the age of 77.

Ed Gein, cultural influencer

Paradoxically, Gein's crimes were so horrific that it's hard not to find his story fascinating. It's easy to see why it inspired films like Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jonathan Demme's The Silence of the Lambs, and Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. While most of the villains in these films only resemble Gean, Buffalo Bill of the Silence of the Lambs is strikingly similar. He also had a women's suit.

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