
A fascinating collection of vintage automobile ads between the 1900s and 1950s

In this collection, we'll dive into vintage commercials and take a look at car commercials between the 1900s and 1950s. Long ago and simple car ads were a sign of the times that emphasized the fact that cars were the ultimate luxury.

The first auto advertisement appeared in an Ohio newspaper in 1898. The title of the auto ad was pretty straightforward in terms of marketing. This included a call to action, "Dispense with a Horse". Auto advertising talked about the model and benefits of the Vinton motor carriage.

Advertising showed it was not expensive to maintain, had a top speed of 20 mph, and had no odor. Finally, the ad compared it to a horse, saying that a horse would never be able to perform these tasks.

In the early 20th century, cars were still fighting for road space with other modes of transport, as few people could afford them.

Automobiles were heavy machines that usually required at least one mechanic to operate and maintain the car. This is the reason why most of the advertisements were targeted at the wealthiest people in the society.

One of the groups that appealed to the ads were partygoers. Those who want a car to make a noticeable entry into the next glamorous event.

Or even for their driver - who will have to deal with tires and lubrication, which is why they need a reliable vehicle. Auto advertising was very strategically oriented from the start.

As time passed and mass printing developed, car advertisements also emerged on the ground. In 1912, Henry Ford said that Ford advertising would never try to be clever.

As the 20th century began, as advertisements became beautiful and bright Art Deco illustrations, Ford who favored simplicity could not keep it simple. The beautiful Ford Lincoln vintage car used vibrant yet simple colors on an attractive vehicle.

Advertising agencies use creativity to market their products. Even in the '30s, when America was in the depression, streamlined car commercials were cut due to the darkness of the era.

Those commercials during the Depression period had a little jet-setting feel that conveys travel and orbit. However, we have seen more automobile ads related to wars during that time.

Car ads were becoming more important, and during the '50s, they were more like the American cars of the time. However, Volkswagen changed all that with its iconic 1959 ad "Think Small" for the Beetle.

This is a time when the motoring world and marketing went hand in hand. Later in the 1960s, Volkswagen challenged traditional US-focused cars through its symbolic advertisements.

In 1959, the 'Think Small' campaign was created for the beetle by Helmut Krone, and a copy was written by Julian Koenig at the Doyle den Bern Bach agency.

This was a revolutionary period in which advertising was done with simple and honest messages. It later became a great marketing example of functional marketing, such as turning a loss into a profit.

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