
A young Hitler cheers the start of World War One, 1914

This photo was taken by Munich photographer Heinrich Hoffmann at a rally in support of the war against Russia at Odiensplatz in Munich on August 2, 1914. The day before the election of the Reich president, illustrator Beaubachter published an August 1914 photograph with Hitler. For the first time, with a magnifying-glass-like detail of his face.

The caption read: "Adolf Hitler, German patriot. When the last notes of the band were heard by tens of thousands of Munich citizens on 1 August 1914, the German anthem suddenly washed over the square. Adolf Hitler stood in the midst of the crowd with twinkling eyes.

Hitler was accused of lending credibility to the Nazi leader's image as a patriot and a man of the people. The photo later became a favorite Nazi propaganda portrait, appearing with captions such as "Adolf Hitler: A Man of the People". It was used countless times in newspapers, propaganda papers, biographies and school books.

Hoffmann, who was one of the founders of the Nazi newspaper and the main supplier of paintings, always claimed that he had discovered Hitler in the photo by chance after the future Führer visited his studio in 1929.

When Hoffmann was told by Adolf Hitler that he was there during the declaration of war in 1914, Hoffmann scrutinized and scrutinized every photograph of that momentous day.

Hoffmann then dug up a picture of a negative glass he had planned to throw away and found Hitler in the image. Hoffman once said, "I only had to look for a very short time, one stood there, yes, that's it - his hair falls on the forehead". "His face could not deceive - it was him".

However, many researchers claim that Hitler's photographer Hoffmann manipulated the image to show the soon-to-be dictator. The research has failed to bring out the basic negative of the picture. And after scrutinizing the newsreel footage, Hitler could not be found in the crowd.

Photos of Hitler taken during the war show his large mustache, which was in fashion at the time. The practice of shaving the mustache into a "toothbrush" shape appears to have been introduced during the war to allow men to more comfortably wear gas masks; Fashion was unknown before 1914.

If the picture is correct, Hitler, almost alone in Europe, wore a toothbrush mustache in 1914, grew a large mustache during the war, and then went back to the toothbrush style after the war, neither of which is very likely.

Since he was in Munich in 1914, and his presence in the crowd is completely in character, while it is possible that he was cast in the picture by Nazi propagandists, the most likely explanation is to make the picture immediately recognizable. The picture was recreated. German in the thirties.

Further evidence that perhaps the whole thing was faked by him and Heinrich Hoffmann can be found in the pages of Mein Kampf, Hitler's autobiography, published in 1925.

He makes no mention of being at Odiensplatz on 2 August, but makes reference to the next day, when he petitions the King of Bavaria to allow the Austrians to fight for Germany.

Therefore, awaiting definitive confirmation, the picture depicting Hitler's presence in the crowd is, of course, supposedly the best.

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