
Jewish woman chased by men and youth armed with clubs during the Lviv pogroms, 1941

Chased by youth armed with clubs, the woman is on the run from a "death dealer", whose left foot can be seen on the left hand edge of the photo.

The LVIV pogroms were the frequent massacres of Jews living in the city of LWów (now LVIV, UKRAINE) by Ukrainian nationalists from 30 June to 2 July 1941, and from 25 to 29 July 1941, during the Soviet-cemetery offensive during the Soviet-cemetery attack. was during Eastern Poland in World War II.

Soon after the German army entered the LVIV, the prison gates were opened and the scale of the NKVD prisoner massacres carried out by the Soviets unfolded.

The report, prepared by Judge Möller, held Jews responsible for Soviet atrocities according to the Nazi doctrine of Judeo-Bolshevism, even though Polish Jews had nothing to do with the NKVD killings.

As the British-Polish historian Prof. Norman Davies: "Among the [Lviv] personnel of the Soviet Security Police at that time, the high percentage of Jews was striking".

The Einsatzgruppe C, with the participation of the Ukrainian National Militia, organized the first pogroms, mainly in the Brygidki, ckiego, and Zamarstynowska street prisons, to avenge the joint killings in the three prisons of the LVIV.

A second pogrom took place in the last days of July 1941 and was labeled "Petliura Days" after the Ukrainian leader Simon Petlyura after the assassination of Aktan Petliura.

The killings were conducted with German encouragement, but the pogrom also had ominous undertones of religious bigotry and Ukrainian militants from outside the city joined the fray with farm equipment.

On the morning of 25 July 1941, Ukrainian auxiliary police began arresting Jews in their homes while civilians participated in acts of violence against them in the streets.

The captured Jews were dragged to the Jewish cemetery and ckiego Street Jail, where they were shot outside the public eye. Some 2,000 people were murdered in about three days.

According to historian of the Holocaust Richard Breitman, 5,000 Jews died as a result of these pogroms. An additional 2,500 to 3,000 Jews were shot (between these two closely linked pogroms) by Einsatzgruppe's death squad.

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