
Stalin in an off-record photo captured by his bodyguard Vlasik

This guy seems to have seen something scary, like a thousand-yard gaze. Note the Silver Badge on his chest, that badge represents the Infantry Assault Badge which was awarded in Silver and Bronze.

The decoration was established on 20 December 1939 by the Commander-in-Chief of the German Army, Generalfeldmarshal Walther von Brauchitz.

It may be awarded to non-motorized infantry units and members of Gebirsjger's units who participated in infantry attacks with light infantry weapons in at least three days of fighting in the front line on or after 1 January 1940. . When the fight occurred due to a counter-aggression, this may also apply. The award of the Infantry Assault Badge was authorized at the regimental command level.

Silver was awarded to infantry soldiers according to one of the following criteria: "For participating in at least three: infantry assaults (including counterattacks) or at least three armed reconnaissance missions or in one Engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Participated on three separate days in the attack or resumption of combat positions".

The bronze version had similar requirements but was designated for Motorized Infantry. This badge was regarded by many frontline soldiers as coveted as the Iron Cross, especially when acquired on the Eastern Front.

German Stalingrad veterans often stripped down their infantry assault badges as a sign that earning the assault badge in Stalingrad was a different level of achievement than earning it elsewhere. The Battle of Stalingrad was nicknamed the "Battle to End All Battles".

The badge was designed by the Berlin-based company C. E. Junker. It is oval in shape, with four oak leaves on each side; At the top is an eagle standing on a swastika and across the badge is a rifle.

The back of the badge is plain and has a pin attached to it. With the institution of the Ordensgesetz of 1957, German military personnel were allowed to wear de-Nazified versions of the German decorations.

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