
Troops of the Eight-Nation Alliance lined up in a propaganda picture, 1900

This photo shows soldiers of the Eight-Nation Coalition in 1900, from left to right: Britain, United States, Australia, British India, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Japan. This was a British propaganda picture where the British requested heights to depict racial/ethnic supremacy.

The British requested an American to be slightly smaller than the British they were sending. However, the Americans sent someone taller than Britain. After all, the United States was a continent-sized nation while Britain was a small island. So the British used a bigger cap to pay more compensation.

The picture is fascinating because it captures a significant amount of the racial/ethnic views of the world at the time. The white Anglo (British, American and Australian) at the top and everyone else were positioned accordingly with the non-white Japanese at the lower end. The Indian was put forward by the continental Europeans as a small insult - "Our dog is superior to you ...".

The Eight Nations Alliance was an international military alliance established in response to the Boxer Rebellion in the Qing Empire of China. The alliance included the United States, the British Empire, Germany, France, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Russia, and Japan. During the summer of 1900, he assembled a military alliance to protect his influence in China.

The Boxer Rebellion was a Chinese movement formed in response to the growing foreign power in China. The boxers wanted to eliminate outside influence and started attacking the westerners. In June 1900, boxers surrounded the Legation Quarter of Peking, modern-day Beijing.

They trapped a large number of foreigners and Chinese nationals inside. The Chinese government lent its support behind the Boxer Rebellion and declared war on the foreign alliance.

The Allies sent a relief operation to relieve the siege on 10 June, but it was beaten back after encountering heavy resistance. On 4 August the Allies launched a more robust relief operation that was able to break the siege and force and put an end to the short, but violent war.

Although the rifles are difficult to distinguish (on the picture), an Austro-Hungarian soldier's Mannlicher 1888 is visible, with a distinctive gap between the trigger guard and the magazine. By the time of the Eight-Nation Coalition, the powers brought together a number of rifles that were competing with each other for military contracts on both sides of the Atlantic.

Before adopting the Craig-Jorgensen in 1892, the US military had tested more than 50 designs. French soldiers take their Lebel rifles to Peking. German troops brought the new 1898 Mauser. Austro-Hungarian soldiers march with 1888 Mannlicher rifles, updated to a new cartridge in 1890. The Italians had their model 1891 Carcano.

The Japanese fought with a mix of their new Type 30 Arisakas and older Murata rifles. The Russians who went to war with Japan in 1905 used the M91 Mosin-Nagant.

Troops around the British Empire were armed with the new magazine Lee-Enfield and its predecessor, the Lee-Metford. U.S. Army troops were armed with Krag-Jorgensen, while the U.S. Army was armed. Marine Lee was armed with 1895 rifles.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, people of European descent in North America were much taller than in Europe and were among the tallest in the world. The Native Indigenous population of Plains Native Americans was also among the highest in the world at the time.

In the late nineteenth century, the Netherlands was a land famous for its small population, but today it has one of the tallest populations in the world, with an average length of 183.8 cm (6 ft 0.4 in).

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