
Ancient church in Gazan village struck by missile, IDF reports


An ancient church in the disputed Gazan village has been seriously damaged amid the ongoing firing between Israel and Hamas, according to reports.

St. Mary's Church in the village of Ikrit, which was destroyed this week, was hit by a missile, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

"Hezbollah attacked St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church of Ikarit in northern Israel," the IDF reported via social media. "An anti-tank missile from Lebanon directly hit the church, injuring one civilian."

St. Mary's is a Greek Catholic church, not Orthodox.

"This attack is not only a clear violation of [United Nations] Security Council Resolution 1701, but also a violation of freedom of worship," the IDF wrote.

Ikrit is a deserted village in the northern region of modern Israel. IDF forces occupied the land during the First Arab–Israeli War and destroyed the village in 1951.

St. Mary's Church was the only building saved by the IDF and remains a gathering place for descendants of the original displaced villagers, who celebrate monthly mass there as they seek the right to return.


  1. the IDF should blow up some hospitals and schools while they're at it.
    that would surely teach those pesky palestinians a lesson.
    oh wait ....


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