
Bad News For Trump: Elon Musk, Green Day, Piers Morgan, & More Stars React To The Donald's Mugshot

 Ladies and gentlemen, politicians and party animals, gather around because we have a star-studded show for you today! It's not every day that a former commander-in-chief's mugshot takes over the internet as the latest meme sensation, but August 24, 2023, was that glorious day. Regardless of your political leanings, it was one for the history books – a moment when even the staunchest of enemies couldn't stop themselves from laughing. So, whether you're a staunch Democrat, a rock-ribbed Republican, or just someone who enjoys a good dose of celebrity schadenfreude, let's dive into the wild world of celebrity reactions to Donald Trump's mugshot. count on us; This is a story you can read "Presidential Paparazzi!" Will make you click faster than you can say it. Keep scrolling, friends – you won't want to miss this!

On August 24, 2023, former United States President Donald Trump voluntarily surrendered to the good people at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia. Yes, you heard right, the man who once held the highest office in the country found himself posing for a mugshot as if he was auditioning for America's Next Top Felon.

It all started with a grand jury in Fulton County hammering him with charges of election fraud and other related crimes. And what's more, they issued an arrest warrant faster than you can say "Trump Tower." The county's district attorney even volunteered an invitation to attend, and Trump, not one to miss a photo op, accepted the offer.

So, prisoner number P01135809 was there, posing for the cameras before being processed and released on bond. When this photo came online, celebrities had a lot to say...

The man who was Luke Skywalker (and the best Joker imho) took a dig at Trump with a post, saying: "4th arrest could happen to him."

He later added, "Wonder if he's tired of winning yet," along with a mugshot and the hashtag "#MAGAMugshot."

The man who was Luke Skywalker (and the best Joker imho) took a dig at Trump with a post, saying: "4th arrest could happen to him."

He later added, "Wonder if he's tired of winning yet," along with a mugshot and the hashtag "#MAGAMugshot."

Actor, prominent New Yorker and frequent Trump opponent Michael Rapaport chimed in: "Hahahahahahaha."

1 comment:

  1. silly photo. the cowardly school yard bully trying to look intimidating. lol how many shots were taken before deciding on that absurd one?


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