
Protesters gather outside Sec. Austin’s house on Christmas to demand end to Israel support


Protesters gathered outside the US Department of Defense. Lloyd Austin's home on Christmas Day calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The Shut It Down for Palestine Coalition, an activist coalition formed between the Palestinian Youth Movement and the North Alliance, gathered outside Austin's home and demanded, "No Christmas as usual during the genocide! Ceasefire now!"

Protesters argue that Israel can only continue its war efforts because of America's financial and political support.

In a press release issued after the protest, the groups expressed anger over multiple visits by US officials to Tel Aviv to meet with Israeli officials to show support, including Austin, who said during his visit that "Israel America's support for China's security is unwavering."

The groups promised to "continue to apply pressure until [US] support for war crimes is completely destabilized.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear, interrupting his expensive dinner! too much profit to be made from selling murder, won't happen.


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