
BACK ON THE STREETS Speedboat killer Jack Shepherd FREED from prison after serving just three years behind bars for killing Tinder date

 Charlotte Brown, 24, was thrown from Shepherd's boat when it capsized in the River Thames in December 2015.

He was jailed for six years in April 2019 on charges of murder by gross negligence.

But the following year, his sentence was reduced by about three months.

A family member told The Sun Online that Shepherd has now been automatically released from prison after serving half of his sentence.

On the night Charlotte died, Shepherd tried to impress her by taking a late-night visit to the Houses of Parliament after dinner at the Shard.

He had been drinking heavily before the tragedy, while Charlotte, an English literature graduate, drank barely a drop of alcohol on their first date.

Heartbreaking footage shows him racing down the Thames in his broken-down speedboat, before he hits a log and capsizes.

Shepherd, who married after the accident and had a child, was questioned by police immediately after the tragedy, before he cowardly fled the UK to Georgia.

Charlotte's family faced an agonizing wait for justice, so they spent ten months on the run.

Shepherd was sentenced to six years in prison in 2018 after being convicted of murder in his absence.

He eventually turned himself in to local authorities in Georgia and even tried to protest his innocence in front of TV cameras.

The release comes as father Graham Brown, 60, told his family's disappointment last month that he could soon be released.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain, he said: “She was a wonderful daughter who was full of life. She had just received a promotion and was eager to take her driving test..

“She was 24 years old – her life was taken away from her.

“The main thing is the heartache for the family. "Nothing can replace losing Charlotte, but mostly for us we still don't know what happened because Shepherd escaped his trial."

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