
Even CBS Isn’t Buying What Mayorkas Is Shoveling On The Border Crisis

 CBS anchor Tony Dokoupil appeared to be growing impatient with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' efforts to diffuse the record-breaking crisis that is still unfolding at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Dokoupil said both major parties have a history of "playing games" when it comes to the topic of illegal immigration — but then he called out Mayorkas directly, noting that Republicans have the power to stem the tide and pointing out that Had "very specific ideas" about. The Biden administration flatly refused to discuss them.

Dokoupil began by pointing to the sheer number of illegal immigrants crossing the border on a daily basis, saying the "flow" was creating problems for Democratic leaders in cities along the border.

"Democratic leaders — mayors, governors — they're struggling," he said. "Governor Abbott in Texas is bussing people to different states," Dokoupil continued, adding that once those illegal immigrants arrived, they had no way to support themselves and were already This also put pressure on local officials working with strained resources.

He turned to Mayorkas with just one question: "What is the White House going to do to assist your fellow Democrats who say, 'We need help'?"

Mayorkas addressed the question briefly, saying Congress had approved some funding for local officials to address the issue. He then returned to the topic of Texas Governor Abbott. He asked Dokopil whether this was "responsible governance" or whether any real patriot would take illegal immigrants to other states without reaching an understanding with the local authorities.

“Is this the kind of patriotism and governance we expect from our officials?” He asked.

Dokoupil replied, "I think both parties are playing games and have been playing games on this issue for decades." "But you're not talking about the core point of the contradiction, the Republicans want to stop the flow - with very specific ideas! You're not even talking about those ideas this morning! And so, both sides of politics Playing, as they have been doing for a very long time.

“I would respectfully disagree with you,” Mayorkas replied, and Dokoupil raised an eyebrow.

1 comment:

  1. no one seems to understand this "crisis" is all hearsay and msm BS,


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