
'Getting out of hand': Liberal city residents rate Mayorkas' handling of southern border

Washington DC. - Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas got mixed performance reviews from Americans in the nation's capital.

"He's not doing the right thing," said the longtime D.C. resident Jacqueline told Fox News. "Maybe he's trying with all his heart, but it's not working."

He added, "Everybody and their cousins and their great-grandmothers, thousands of people coming through the border every day." “That situation is completely ridiculous and out of control.”
But others, like Joe, disagreed, saying that Mayorkas "has done a great job."

The House Homeland Security Committee held impeachment hearings Wednesday investigating Mayorkas' job performance, with the Republican majority arguing that he neglected his duties to ensure a secure US-Mexico border. Mayorkas did not attend the hearing, titled "Havoc in the Heartland: How Secretary Mayorkas's Failed Leadership Has Affected the States," although Montana, Missouri, and Oklahoma attorneys general testified about how the Secretary's immigration policies have affected their states. Has caused harm.

Illegal immigration has increased during Mayorkas' tenure. Millions of migrants have been apprehended, while at least one million additional migrants successfully evaded border authorities.

"Given that the problem is so big, I think he's doing the best he can," Abu told Fox News. “As an immigrant, I know this is a difficult problem.”

"I mean, you can't turn everybody away," he added. “But this is getting out of hand and some rules and some limits need to be set.”

Mayorkas acknowledged last week that the majority of illegal immigrants caught are released into the US. Additionally, Mayorkas reportedly told Border Patrol agents on Monday that the release rate of illegal immigrants caught at the border is above 85%.

DC. "It seems like there's no cure," one resident told Fox News. "I just hope that the next administration that comes in, whether it's Democratic or Republican, can take care of this problem."

Republicans have argued that loose border policies under Mayorkas have encouraged drug trafficking and reduced security across the country. Meanwhile, House Democrats have called the impeachment hearings a sham and an embarrassment.

Miles told Fox News, "We see the immigration crisis, we see sanctuary cities taking people. So I see that and I know it's an issue, especially in big cities like D.C., New York, Chicago. For those who are taking in immigrants." "And the mayor is coming out saying, 'We don't have enough space.'

“So this is a big issue,” he said. "One of the top things on the ballot in '24."

DC. Cynthia said that immigrants are treated better than some US citizens.

He said, "They get a lot of things that we as Americans born here don't get, can't get, won't get. There's too much red tape with us." "Everyone should be treated equally."

Click here to watch the full interview about Mayorkas' performance.

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