
Lloyd Austin hospitalization: House Republicans demand more details as pressure builds on Pentagon

 : A group of House Republicans is going straight to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for more information about the decision-making, which led to senior White House and Pentagon officials reportedly sparring for several days about Austin's recent hospitalization. Remained in darkness till.

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y. led a group of two dozen GOP lawmakers in writing a letter to Austin, asking questions about who was part of the decision to delay the disclosure, including how Austin would respond "if any of your combat commanders were incapacitated for three or four days. to discharge the duties of his office and did not inform you" and who knew about his situation from the beginning, among other details.

The letter, obtained exclusively by Fox News, reads, "First and foremost, we wish you a speedy recovery and are sorry to hear about your recent cancer diagnosis. We are glad to hear that you are now healthy." "We are recovering and have come out of the ICU." digital.

"However, we are seriously concerned about the lack of transparency on the part of the Department of Defense (DOD) regarding your recent hospitalization, which included a four-day stay in the intensive care unit," it continues. .

“According to reports, the congressional leadership, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the President, the National Security Advisor, and other members of the National Security Council were not informed of your hospitalization until three days after your hospitalization. Our "Given your vital role in the security of the nation as Secretary of Defense, it is extremely concerning that you kept your lengthy hospital stay a secret from the President and other senior national security officials."

It comes as pressure has increased on the Pentagon over Austin's hospitalization and cancer diagnosis and how they were disclosed. The Defense Department's inspector general said Thursday that they are investigating the matter.

The Pentagon publicly revealed on January 5 that Austin had been in the hospital since January 1 due to complications from elective surgery. But a Politico report later revealed that not only was the media kept in the dark, but even the highest levels of the White House and top Pentagon officials were not aware that Austin was in the hospital until January 4.

The non-disclosure sparked bipartisan concern, with the top Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate Armed Services committees demanding greater transparency about the incident.

Austin's doctors announced Tuesday that he has been treated for prostate cancer. The same day, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said, "No one at the White House knew until this morning that Secretary Austin had prostate cancer.

Meanwhile, Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Ala., wrote a letter to Austin on Wednesday, pushing him to provide Congress with more answers.

"With conflicts raging around the world, it is absurd that you and others in the department allowed this to happen. This level of confusion about not only your whereabouts, but your ability to lead the department, exceeds any previous commitment." What little confidence has been shaken is transparency,” the letter reads.

1 comment:

  1. its called HIPPA you morons. and explain how no one in his office noted his absence


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