
Neo-Nazi podcasters sent to prison on terror charges for targeting Prince Harry and his young son

 Authorities said Christopher Gibbons and Tyrone Patton-Walsh espoused racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic and misogynistic views and encouraged listeners of their "Lone Wolf Radio" podcast to commit violent acts against ethnic minorities. Did.

Using nicknames on their show, the pair said, "unless steps were taken to fight back, 'genocide' of the white race was likely to occur." He sanctioned a day when so-called race traitors would be hanged, especially those with interracial relationships. Prince Harry's wife Meghan is biracial.

In one episode, Gibbons said the Duke of Sussex should be "tried for treason and judicially executed" and called Harry's son, Archie, now 4, a "creature." Which should be "put down."

Gibbons, 40, was sentenced to eight years in prison, the Metropolitan Police said. Patton-Walsh, 34, was given a term of seven years. Both will be on equivalent probation for three years after their release.

“The evidence shows that you want to live in a world completely dominated by white people. Your distorted thinking is that the white race has overpowered blacks and Asians, Jews and Muslims, gays, white liberals. And for white people in mixed-race relationships,” Judge Peter Lauder said.

While Patton-Walsh and Gibbons were entitled to maintain their beliefs – no matter how "absurd and offensive to civilized society" they may be – Lauder said they had gone too far.

Both celebrated right-wing extremists who committed mass murders in Norway, Christchurch, New Zealand, and Charleston, South Carolina. He also posted pictures of Nazis executing a Jewish man next to a pile of corpses and of Nelson Mandela being beaten to death.

Placeholder A jury at Kingston Crown Court convicted him of eight counts of promoting terrorism in July.
Authorities said Gibbons was also convicted of two counts of disseminating terrorist documents through his online neo-Nazi "radicalization" library, which had more than 2,000 subscribers.

Cmdr. Dominic Murphy, who heads the Met's counter-terrorism unit, said the material they broadcast was "exactly the type of material that has the potential to attract vulnerable people – particularly young people – to terrorism. "


  1. Slimy satanic putrid P0S scumbag parasite enemy Israel started as Irgun terrorists and are isis terrorists today and funded HAMAS and staged this recent false flag event and should be NUKED and crime minister widdle whiny baby Nitwityahu P0S FUNDED HAMAS and should be shot in the face. Period.

  2. Slimy satanic putrid P0S israel started as Irgun terrorists and are isis terrorists today and funded HAMAS and staged this recent false flag event and should be NUKED and crime minister widdle whiny baby Nitwityahu P0S FUNDED HAMAS and should be shot in the face. Period


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