
‘Please hurry’: 911 audio captures panic, confusion amid Fort Worth hotel explosion that injured 21

 A recently received 911 call from the scene of the Sandman Signature Hotel explosion in downtown Fort Worth, Texas offers a look at the chaotic moments after the devastating blast, which injured 21 people.

"We're at the Sandman Hotel, and we're stuck in an elevator," Angela Cockcroft said in 911 audio obtained by Fox 4. "hurry up please."

"Okay, I got a fire on the way," the 911 operator responded. "I'm trying to get your address quickly."

A beeping sound is heard from the elevator during a conversation between the 911 operator and Cockcroft, who was trapped in the elevator with her husband Scott.

As smoke fills the elevator following the explosion, Angela is heard instructing her husband to use his shirt to cover his nose and mouth.

"Honey, use your shirt to filter the smoke," Angela said over the 911 audio.

"You said there was smoke -" the 911 operator began.

"Yes, in the elevator," Angela interjected.

A few moments later, the doors open, and it's time for the couple to escape.

"Let's go down the stairs. Get out of the elevator," she said into the call.

Another person who called 911 told operators that all the windows in the 121-year-old hotel were blown out.

A caller said, "Yo, there's been a big explosion here at the Sandman Hotel." "Big, big bang."

Many callers did not know what caused the explosion.

"So, it looks like the first floor, all the windows are blown out," said another caller. "I see maybe one or two, maybe police cars, but I don't see any fire, but it was a straight explosion."

The explosion at the historic Sandman Hotel, which occurred at approximately 3:30 p.m. On January 8, W. Near 7th Street and Houston Street, 21 people were injured, including one woman seriously.

According to officials, the basement of the hotel is where the most seriously injured victims were and is the subject of investigation.

The fire department said the explosion was "probably caused by a gas leak", but they were unable to officially confirm the cause. The department said construction work was going on in the building at the time of the explosion.

Photos sent to Fox 4 show windows blown out on the lower floors of the hotel.

Debris was scattered across the road outside, including concrete slabs and piles of debris. The photos also show a large open hole in the sidewalk next to the building.

Many people reported hearing loud noises in the area, others reported smelling natural gas.

Multiple lawsuits have already been filed on behalf of the victims, Fox 4 reports.

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