
Pro-life health care workers urge pro-family policies as major medical institutions push abortion

 Washington DC. - Pro-life advocates may face political setbacks across the country after Roe v. Wade was overturned, effectively giving states the ability to regulate abortion.

Thousands gathered in the snow on the National Mall before marching around the Capitol to the Supreme Court on Friday, with many calling for a continued expansion of the pro-life objective to help mothers and families beyond just working hours. Policies and programs should also be included. Legal battle.

Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said, "It is critical that we not only combat the harm that abortion is causing to our patients, but also recognize why women often seek abortions. And do something about it." AAPLOG), told Fox News Digital at the March for Life Friday.

But some pro-life activists in the health profession told Fox News Digital they see other victories following the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturned nearly 50 years of Roe precedent. Doctors and medical professionals are rejecting the messages of abortion advocates.

Francis said, "We've definitely seen an increase in our membership over the last two years, especially right after Dobbs. We've had a huge increase in membership."

Since the 2022 Dobbs decision, AAPLOG's medical student and resident fellowships have increased from approximately 200 to approximately 400, and total membership has increased from 7,000 to approximately 7,500. Over the past decade, the group's total membership tripled.

According to Francis, some new members joined AAPLOG due to a feeling of being left behind due to the pro-choice stance of major medical institutions.

Francis said, "Now they realize that we are under active attack, I would say... not only from abortion advocates, but also from our major certification bodies."

“Many of them are seeing that the curtain has been lifted on the true state of some of our major medical associations, I think.”

According to Francis, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has acted inconsistently with many OB/GYNs' beliefs about providing quality health care.

In August 2023, ACOG interim president Christopher Zane wrote a letter to The Washington Post expressing his belief that abortion access should not be limited.

"Abortion is safe. It improves and saves life, and it should be available without restriction, without limits, and without barriers — just like any other important part of health care," Zane wrote. .

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"I think many physicians are now seeing how radical that position is," Francis said. "They may not have exactly the same position on the issue of abortion as I do, but they believe there should at least be some limits, and safeguards should be put in place to protect women and ensure that They're in a good position to get care. We're really seeing a lot of physicians and other medical professionals wake up to what's been going on in our profession for quite some time."

ACOG released a fact sheet last year that dismissed some pro-life terms as misinformation — particularly claims that abortion defenders want abortion legalized up to the time of birth.

"[A]bortion until birth' or 'abortion after birth' are examples of derogatory language used by opponents of abortion access that is not based on facts. Neither accurate, nor medically appropriate language. Uses," ACOG's website states.

ACOG also says that miscarriage late in pregnancy is rare and indicates that "something has gone very wrong with respect to the patient's health or the pregnancy."

According to Francis, viewing abortion as something that belongs to an individual patient is one of the issues driving physicians to question the dominant health groups that insist that abortion is health care.

"This abortion fight isn't just limited to Planned Parenthood clinics and pregnancy centers, it's in health care today," said Chris Faddis, president of Solidarity HealthShare.

“The health care system is pushing people more and more toward early fetal testing, so that they can push people to abortion and to Planned Parenthood to have their babies go to regular women's care, so that they can get them on birth control and a .Patients and those things," Faddis said.

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Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, told Fox News Digital that a priority for the pro-life movement will be to expand ways for struggling pregnant women and mothers to get help, whether public or private.

"We know that the No. 1 reason a woman chooses an abortion is because she doesn't get support," Nance said.

One proposal is a national clearinghouse where a pregnant woman can search her ZIP code for resources near her — not just medical, but financial assistance, help with bills and food or employment. The idea is similar to a program in Mississippi that launched last year to aggregate public assistance and nonprofits into a searchable database.

March for Life has also been a political advocacy group, and in light of recent setbacks at the ballot box for abortion issues, pro-lifers have called on pro-life politicians not to avoid the issue, but to put Democrats on the defensive. Has requested.

"They need to point out the extreme, radical nature of what [Democrats] would do if they came into office and had the majority in the House, the Senate and the White House. It would be abortion until birth. In the debate, when faced with Take down your Democratic opponent, let him defend it," said Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J. he said.

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