
Thousands Of Africans Flying To Central America Before Crossing Illegally Into United States

 Thousands of Africans are flying to Central America to cross the southern border and travel to the United States illegally.

A record number of illegal immigrants have entered the US last year under President Joe Biden, according to a report by The New York Times. According to government data, 58,462 Africans were apprehended at the southern border in fiscal year 2023, up from 13,406 in 2022, the Times reported Friday.

The 2023 number includes 15,263 from Mauritania, 13,526 from Senegal and more than 4,000 from Angola and Guinea. These Africans are flying into Central America, many starting in Nicaragua, and then making their way to the US via Mexico. The influx of Africans is reportedly partly due to some countries in Europe imposing strict border controls.

It's unclear how much all these migrants are actually paying for their flights across the Atlantic, as many of them are seeking to escape poverty. Some claim they have borrowed money from friends while others say they have sold small businesses. Once they reach the southern border, many illegal immigrants are easily released into the United States.

Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform told The Daily Wire that the message has been sent around the world that the US border is open. He said the Biden administration needs to adopt a policy of deterrence and stop abuse of the asylum system.

"Everyone around the world got the message: 'Come to the United States illegally, file a fraudulent asylum claim, you will be released, you will be given work authorization within 180 days, you have to stay here, and you The longer you stay here, the more you can establish other claims to remain here,'' he said.

Illegal border crossings have continued to break records under President Joe Biden, including an all-time record of 302,000 encounters in December alone. House Speaker Mike Johnson visited the southern border on Wednesday and called on the White House to secure the border

House Republicans are trying to force the Senate to pass the Border Security Act of 2023 before any budget or foreign aid legislation can be considered. The bill would require the construction of a border wall and reform of the asylum process, among other border security measures.

1 comment:

  1. Where are Thousands Of Africans Getting the Money To Fly Central America?


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