
Weird and Useless Japanese Inventions That Many Secretly Need

The Japanese art of creating bizarre and impractical gadgets Chindogu literally means 'valuable' or 'priceless device'. It is a unique cultural phenomenon where creativity meets eccentric problem-solving.

These gadgets, though clever, often walk the line between simple solutions and potential embarrassment of public use.

Now, there are some inventions that actually make sense and that people wouldn't mind using. no shame! I

It's like finding entertaining ways to solve problems in daily life. Chindogu brings a blend of creativity and humor to the way we deal with everyday things.

Although some inventions may seem strange, they add a fun twist to problem solving and challenge the idea of what is considered a 'valuable tool'.

Check out this collection of weird Japanese inventions from the 1990s and 2000s.

hair protector worn while eating

Who doesn't love a delicious bowl of ramen noodle soup? That delicious, meaty broth can brighten anyone's day.

But let's face it – when that broth goes bad and splatters everywhere except your mouth, it's a different story. That's where the Noodle Splash Guard comes to the rescue, and puts an end to those messy soup accidents.

Now, while this great gadget does its job, there is one problem - you may feel a bit like a character from Alice in Wonderland, i.e. the Lion Flower.

If you can avoid looking a little goofy while enjoying your soup, this might be your new tool.

Of course, there are simple ways to deal with the frizz problem, like minimizing frizz or wearing a trusty headband to keep your hair free of mess.

cooling fan for noodles

Here's a great gadget for all soup lovers – a tiny fan attached to chopsticks. Say goodbye to the old method of blowing on your soup to cool it!

Now, this little fan may make you the center of attention with its noise, but hey, it's better to look a little silly than burn your mouth with hot soup, right?

But, and this is a big deal, unless this chopstick-powered fan is much lighter than it seems, it may not be as practical as it seems.

The weight of an item can cause more problems than it solves. Just imagine it accidentally fell into your soup – you'd have noodles flying everywhere!

wearable floor cleaning mop

There is no doubt that babies and pets bring happiness to our homes. However, it's a bit much to expect them to handle the household chores, isn't it?

Well, not according to some inventive minds who created items to contribute to our otherwise less-useful household members.

Here's the problem – unless you clean frequently, these items can accumulate a lot of dirt. And that means your little ones and furry friends could get stuck in all that mess.

Instead of adopting these unconventional solutions, a better move would be to invest in a good vacuum cleaner.

An affordable 360-degree panoramic camera

Speaking of weird head accessories, this one was worth checking out. Taking panoramic photos in photography used to be a bit difficult, but someone in Japan came up with an idea.

This camera is claimed to take excellent panoramic and interactive 360 photos. Nowadays, most smartphones can do this too with the right app.

But when this invention came out, smartphones did not have these features. So, it was a unique fashion statement – at least until sticking a phone to your head became a thing.

rain protectors for shoes

People who treasure their shoes often look for ways to protect them, which has brought various shoe protection devices such as plastic bags to the market. The above item falls into this category, designed with this very goal in mind.

However, it's important to know that this pair of little toes is not meant for any shoe; They are already attached.

Their purpose is more to make a fashion statement than to solve any practical problem. So, if you're looking for a real solution, a reliable pair of shoes can be an easy option.

umbrella tie

Living in areas with unpredictable weather, especially sudden rainfall, requires preparation.

What better way to be prepared for unexpected rain than having an umbrella? And the best part is that you don't even need to carry it with you.

The necktie design comes with its own merits. It doesn't take up much space, and it adds a touch of style.

The downside, however, is that if it rains, you're faced with a choice – either skip the tie or wear a wet tie, both of which don't look good for the workplace.


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