
Biden says Trump questioning European commitment to NATO is 'dumb,' 'un-American'

 President Biden condemned former President Donald Trump as "un-American" after the GOP leader encouraged Russia to do "whatever they want" to NATO members who do not meet defense spending guidelines. Used to do.

Biden responded to the former president from the White House on Tuesday, calling criticism from fellow NATO member states "shameful" and "dumb."

“The former president has set a dangerous and shocking, clearly un-American signal to the world,” Biden said at the White House on Tuesday.

The President continued, "When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it. And NATO is a sacred commitment. Donald Trump sees it as if it A burden."

Trump made the comments during a campaign speech in Conway, South Carolina on Saturday.

The former US president said that "one of the presidents of a big country" once asked him if the US would still defend his country if Russia attacked them, even if they did not pay.

White House reacts to Trump encouraging Russia to do 'whatever' with some NATO members: 'Without hesitation'

Trump told that country's leader, "No, I will not protect you." "Really, I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You have to pay. You have to pay your bills."

NATO says that an attack on one member country is an attack on all countries of the alliance. Trump has previously raised the issue of other NATO countries spending less money on defense than the US pays. He has threatened to pull America out of NATO several times before.

Biden said of Trump's rhetoric, "The whole world heard it. The worst part is that he meant it." He called these statements an "invitation to Putin."

He said, "No other president in our history has ever bowed to a Russian dictator. Let me say it as clearly as I can: I will never bow. For God's sake, it's stupid, it's shameful, it's dangerous."

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