
EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Lifer Facing Over A Decade In Prison Says He’s Ready To Go ‘Head-To-Head’ With Biden Admin

 Paul Vaughn, one of six supporters jailed for more than a decade over peaceful protests, told The Daily Wire on Friday that he will face off with the Biden administration after pleading guilty to two charges related to it. Ready to go. Face act on Tuesday.

Vaughn said that the Justice Department was attempting to intimidate pro-lifers through legal force, but their actions had only emboldened pro-lifers across the country. Vaughn and five others face up to 10.5 years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines after pleading guilty in federal court to violating the FACE Act and conspiring against rights protected by the FACE Act.

"I would say I was a little on edge," Vaughn told The Daily Wire about his involvement in pro-life activism before his trial. “We were doing a little bit of sidewalk counseling, we weren't trying to do a national event, we weren't trying to be a big name, we were just trying to be Christians and just go out here and be a person. And helping a person out there, just live your life in a way to honor God.

"But if anything, what it's done is I'm ready to start a national organization, I'm ready to go head-to-head with these guys. If they want to bring me into the fight, So they should have thought before because God is big and He is powerful.

Vaughan said his faith has only grown during the long ordeal and he has received messages from Christians around the world as far away as Tasmania praying for him.

The charges stemmed from a protest that took place in a hallway outside a Nashville-area abortion provider on March 5, 2021. That day, a group of protesters gathered on the second floor of an office building in the hallway outside Carafem Health. Center Clinic. The group prayed, sang hymns and urged women visiting the clinic not to have abortions.

That day, Vaughn acted as a messenger between pro-lifers and police negotiator Travis Watkins. DOJ prosecutors accused Vaughn of engaging in misleading activities regarding his conversations with Watkins and attempted to portray this as a significant component of the conspiracy charge.

Vaughn, who said both he and Watkins stuck to their Christian faith, said the government's claims were false and said Watkins knew he was "not playing with them." Vaughan's lawyer, Steve Crampton from the Thomas More Society, said that everything Vaughan did that day was "completely within the law."

Both Vaughn and Crampton said the Biden administration was unjustly targeting pro-lifers, while attacks on churches and pregnancy resource centers were not investigated.

"I don't think the FBI or the DOJ have the guts to look at who did this if they're pro-abortion," Crampton said.

They also support efforts to repeal the FACE Act, a Clinton-era measure that has been used almost exclusively against pro-lifers. Republicans such as Representative Chip Roy and Senator Mike Lee have pushed to retake their bill to repeal the FACE Act in the wake of Vaughn's conviction.

“I think it's unconstitutional as it exists. We made those arguments, in this case the court decided not to accept them, but we believe we will prevail, whether in court or in Congress, one way or the other. The FACE Act needs to end,” Crampton told The Daily Wire.

Ahead of sentencing on July 2, Crampton said an appeal will be filed in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Vaughn said he always thought it would be an appeal case and that God had a bigger plan than letting the matter end at the district level.

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