
Father of CVS pharmacist who died calls company memo 'corporate garbage'

 The father of a CVS pharmacist who died of a heart attack on the job in 2021 says the industry isn't doing enough to change conditions he says are "endangering the lives" of workers and customers. "Putting it in."

Larry Anderson tells Fox Business that a CVS memo sent to employees last week acknowledges the USA TODAY report revealing that his daughter's death was "corporate garbage" and nothing more than "damage control." .

Ashley Anderson suffered a heart attack while working a shift at a CVS store in Seymour, Indiana in September 2021. Anderson was the only pharmacist on duty the day she fainted. First responders could not revive him, and he was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

"The circumstances may have made me feel let down, but I think this 'internal' memo was created by CVS's public relations team for the public to see," Anderson told Fox Business.

In the memo, CVS Chief Pharmacy Officer Prem Shah said the company is saddened by the death of the 41-year-old man, and that the company has since been investing in creating a "positive work environment," including using technology to support patient safety. Increase is also included. Introducing digital innovations to help balance workload and increase salaries.

However, Larry Anderson said that this memo came nearly two and a half years after his daughter's death, emphasizing that it was "nothing more than an attempt at damage control given the bad press they were receiving." Was found."

While he hopes the company is "regretful on a human level over Ashley's death," he reiterated that "a statement of regret only comes after a negative investigation."

"As far as the rest of the statement is concerned, I do not believe, and I suspect that many CVS employees believe, that they are taking meaningful steps to improve the working environment for their employees," he said.
For years, Larry Anderson has been struggling to keep his daughter's story alive, from talking to reporters to putting up billboards along the highway in his home state of Indiana, in hopes of bringing about a sea change in an industry that has caused tremendous stress. Have put its workers.

Ashley Anderson's death comes around a time when the pharmacy industry is under immense pressure due to vaccines and the pandemic, which has left many people furloughed. Pharmacists continue to plead for support, arguing that staffing levels have fallen, but demand for jobs has increased.
Late last year, many pharmacists across the industry also staged a walkout demanding better working conditions.

A pharmacist at Walgreens, who was organizing a walkout and spoke to FOX Business last fall on the condition of anonymity, stressed that overwork can lead to mistakes that could cost patients' lives. May be at risk.
Walgreens pharmacist walks out over working conditions

At one point, Larry Anderson recalled his daughter expressing similar concerns. She told him she was concerned that either he or one of her coworkers would fill the wrong prescription.
Larry Anderson said, "When you're that tired, and your hands are that low, and you're that far behind, it's a recipe for disaster."

Since his daughter's death, Larry Anderson argued that not much has changed despite the industry claiming to be improving.
"The only change of any significance that CVS has made since Ashley's death is that they now close the pharmacy for half an hour every day, so that the pharmacy team can quickly finish lunch, though "No provision has been made for the shift to 24-hour pharmacies," he continued.
He's taking it into his own hands to try to make a change so that other pharmacists don't have to suffer the same fate. However, he stressed that it would take more than just him and a few hundred pharmacists to pressure CVS to make changes.

"Our hope is that a strong public response will inspire thousands of hard-working pharmacists and technologists to help CVS and Walgreens make changes that will not put the lives of customers and employees at risk," he said.

In a statement to Fox Business last week, CVS said it does not want anyone to be held back from working if they become sick or experience a health emergency. It also says the company encourages coworkers to report workplace issues "anonymously if they wish — without fear of retribution, so we can promptly investigate and take action as needed."

Recognizing that the industry is facing labor shortages, Walgreens' chief pharmacy officer said in a recent LinkedIn post that the company is creating an advisory council with deans from 17 colleges of pharmacy across the country, " To share ideas about how to generate interest among students in "careers in community pharmacy."

“Pharmacy operating models need to evolve, and pharmacy school deans are important partners in helping Walgreens and the industry address current workplace challenges that are also impacting pharmacy school enrollment,” Walgreens Boost Alliance said in a release. Are."

Representatives for Rite Aid did not immediately respond to Fox Business' request for comment.

1 comment:

  1. ...did AI write this garbage? You can't even keep the story straight as they jump from his to her and back again, never defining who they are talking about? And then there are just words following periods that have no meaning? What tripe...


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