
MUM'S AGONY It felt like my heart had been ripped out…no parent should have to bury their child, Brianna Ghey’s grieving mum says

 Brianna Ghee's heartbroken mother told TODAY she felt as if her heart had been "ripped out" when she learned her daughter had died.

A 16-year-old schoolgirl was stabbed to death by two teenage killers after luring them to a park in Warrington.

It comes like this...

  • Brianna's twisted killers are exposed for the first time
  •    Scarlett Jenkinson seen crying after being arrested
  •    The footage shows the teens with Brianna moments before she was stabbed
  •    Brianna's mother said in an emotional statement, 'I have never felt this sad.'
  •    Court hears how mutilated couple had a 'thirst for murder'
   The bloodthirsty killers were trapped by her hair-raising messages "I felt as if someone had killed a part of me, as if my heart had been torn out. I have never felt such pain and I have never felt this Wouldn't wish this pain on anyone else."
The mother described how proud she was of her worried daughter for coming out that day – unaware that she was being "lured to death".

She added, “All I can think is that she must have been scared and I wasn't there for her.

"She needed me to protect her, Brianna was no fighter and she would have been very scared."

Esther also described Jenkinson and Ratcliffe as "a menace to society" as she described how the idea of the pair being released from prison "horrifies me".

In February last year, Brianna was stabbed to death by two teenagers obsessed with serial murder.

She was lured to the park by the killers, who were both 15 at the time of the massacre.

The killers had exchanged creepy text messages in the lead up to Brianna's death as they plotted the murder together.

esther ghee
The court was told the pair "encouraged each other to think about how they would actually carry out a murder".

This culminated in a "kill list" of five people they wanted to murder before ultimately settling on tragic Brianna.

In a note titled "Saturday 11th February 2023. Victim: Brianna Ghee" – dated the day she was murdered – Jenkinson outlined his plans.

The teen wrote: "Meet [Ratcliffe] at the wooden poles at 1pm. Library... walk to the bus stop. Wait for Brianna to get off the bus, then the three of us will head to the linear park. In the pipe/tunnel area Go.

"I tell [Ratcliffe] the code word. Just as I stabbed him in the stomach, he stabbed him in the back. [Ratcliffe] drags the body to the area. We both cover the area with sticks, etc. ".

They had originally planned to meet Brianna on January 28, but Ratcliffe said he would not be able to commit the murder on a "school night".

Incensed by her bloodlust, Jenkinson replied: "I don't want to wait, I just want her to die. I want to see the pure terror on her face and hear her scream in pain."

The boy replied: "Really? I just wanted to see what shape it was."

In another message, Jenkinson said: "I really want one of his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful."

She also wrote: "I want to stab him at least once, even if he dies, because it's fun."

Esther said her daughter, who often stayed over on weekends because of her anxiety, had texted saying she was meeting Jenkinson and was on the bus.

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