
Parents' rights group rips 'astonishing' BLM Week of Action curriculums promoting 'queer-affirming' principles

 As liberal school districts across the country begin Black Lives Matter (BLM) Week of Action this week, one parents' rights group is taking aim at the controversial principles it seeks to impart to young students. Including "promoting a queer-affirmation". Network,” and “Disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

BLM Week of Action, which runs from February 5-9, is run by the leftist organization Black Lives Matter at the school. The group says it was founded on a list of four demands, including mandating black history and ethnic studies courses, as well as 13 guiding principles, such as promoting trans ideology and globalism.

A report released on Monday by Parents Defending Education (PDE), a grassroots organization dedicated to the fight against education in the classroom, detailed various BLM Week of Action curricula being promoted by multiple school districts in different states. As well as details of the previous iteration are given. Talking points to Hamas terrorists by Black Lives Matter in school.

The PDE report highlights many of the curriculum's critical attitudes towards Israel, which appear to stem from the Black Lives Matter statement at the school following the October 7 attack by Hamas militants, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,200 Israeli men, women and Was murdered and raped. and children, including infants. In the statement, the group held Israel responsible for the attack.

“BLM@School wishes to make clear in its recognition that this widespread loss of Palestinian and Israeli life is the direct result of decades of Israeli colonialism, land dispossession, occupation, blockade, apartheid and attempted genocide against millions of Palestinians. Palestinians are the ones we remember “Reaffirming that decolonization is not a metaphor or an abstraction, but requires real, daily struggle,” it said.

The report shows how a sense of belonging is reflected within the principles of the BLM Week of Action, including a curriculum run by the Chicago Teachers Union that plans to promote a 10-point plan from The Black Panther Party. Has been, which is a fundamentalist organization which is most prominent during this period. Civil rights era.

That 10-point plan originally included a reference to the "robbery by the white man" of the black community, but other versions replaced "white man" with "capitalists," including the version that circulated in Chicago this week. School children will be taught.

According to the report, in California, the Berkeley Unified School District's teaching resource guide includes a resource titled, "4 things we can do to prepare for teaching BLM in school week," which encourages teachers to "reflect." Asks for how they are "implementing" it. Restorative justice practices, demanding mandatory Black history and ethnic studies courses, and ensuring that classes are 'trans affirming and queer affirming.'"

The report also points to the Los Angeles Unified School District's plan to teach Black Lives Matter among the school's 13 guiding principles, which include the goal of "working toward a queer-affirming network where heteronormative thinking no longer exists." Not there."

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These principles also promote a belief called the "black village", which the group describes as a "disruption of the dynamics of the Western nuclear family".

Other schools across the country are planning to promote the BLM movement as a whole, as well as "whiteness" and anti-Israel theories.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, PDE President Nicole Neely said, "It is truly amazing that districts across the country are still choosing to hold a BLM Week of Action."

"For years, parents have been concerned about a week of activism that prioritizes 'affirming queerness' and 'disrupting the Western nuclear family' rather than addressing learning loss — but BLM's for Hamas The bold advocacy should have been the nail in the coffin of this disappointing curriculum. The best way to set all students on the path to success is to teach them reading, writing and math skills – not to encourage division and oppression.'

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