
Former Justice Breyer rips conservative Supreme Court for giving nation 'Constitution no one wants'

 In a recent interview with Politico, former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer claimed that the current conservative majority on the court would give America a Constitution that "nobody wants."

Breyer spoke to media outlets ahead of the release of his new book, titled, "Reading the Constitution: Why I Choose Pragmatism, Not Textualism." In it, the former liberal judge spent time criticizing the interpretations that his former conservative colleagues were making of landmark Supreme Court cases.

He explained these points in detail in the interview. Ankush Khardori, senior writer for Politico Magazine, reported, "If the court continues to impose its own methods of interpretation, Breyer told me, 'We will have a Constitution that no one wants.' This is a remarkable statement from a former Supreme Court judge."

The journalist asked Breyer about his point in the book warning about "fundamentalism", noting that Breyer called this lens of interpretation "inherently 'regressive'", writing that it " will not allow modern solutions to modern problems" as well as conveying the message that we have been linked to the set of ideas and values that prevailed during a period when many groups of people were not the equal citizens they are today."

Breyer reaffirmed those points in the interview, declaring, "When the Founders were thinking and writing the words of the Constitution and protecting some of the basic rights in the Constitution, women were not really part of the political process. They had no rights to vote, and there was slavery, and slaves were not part of [the political process]."

He continued, "In the 1860s, after the Civil War, he wrote words in defense of some people, but the principle of who is part of this community – America, which moves forward by democratic means – was much broader than it was then. Was different."

The former judge said that an originalist interpretation would "ignore the many changes designed to advance the value of protecting basic civil rights as the world has changed."

Breyer noted that he created the "nobody wants that" line while debating constitutional interpretation with the late Justice Antonin Scalia, telling the conservative stalwart that his method would be extremely unpopular among modern Americans.

Former judge rebukes conservative majority's ruling in 2022 Dobbs case. He said, "The majority in Dobbs thought there would be fewer cases – we would turn the abortion issue over to the states, and they would make the law or Congress would make the law and it would not be decided by the courts."

Explaining how they were wrong, he said, "But there will be cases on abortion in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Many states now have many different abortion laws, and I suspect many of them will be decided in a court where There will be words." Case in point, where it's going to be more complicated than ever, and if you think it's going to be easy, I have a bridge in New York City that I'd like to sell you."

In a recent interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Breyer expressed his feelings on the Dobbs decision and told host Kristen Welker that he hoped he and his fellow justices would reach a "compromise" rather than overturning Roe v. "Could do. Wade.

During that interview, he also called the leaking of Dobbs' opinion signaling the end of Roe v. Wade as "unfortunate."

Later in the interview, Breyer explained what the consequences of this originalist interpretation of the Constitution might be over time, saying that "it would move the interpretation of the statute away from helping people," and "the law would would take away from the direction of "trying to build a society where 340 or 330 or 320 million people of every race, every religion, every viewpoint can live together more peacefully and productively."

1 comment:

  1. You'd think a supreme court judge would understand Americans stand under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was a LOAN agreement. With clowns like these playing at being "leaders" its no wonder they're all confused.


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