
Hillary Clinton says to move on from Biden's age: 'Let's go ahead and accept the reality' that he's old

 Hillary Clinton says people need to "accept the reality" that President Biden is old, move on and focus on defeating Donald Trump.

The former secretary of state appeared on the "Mornings with Zerlina" radio show on SiriusXM on Tuesday, where she discussed what she saw as the authoritarian threat of Trump winning the 2024 presidential election. On the contrary, he advised people to accept Biden's age and move forward to protect democracy.

"Someone said to me the other day... 'Okay, but, you know, Joe Biden is old.' I said, 'You know, Joe Biden is old. Let's go ahead and accept reality. Joe Biden is old.' So we have a contest between a candidate who is old, but who has done effective work and is not a threat to our democracy. And we have another candidate who is old, who can barely understand when he speaks. , is dangerous and a threat to our democracy," Clinton said.

He continued, "So, really, pick one of your two old guys and figure out how you're going to save our democracy. Because it doesn't matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you're going to fight for freedom and the rule of law." Want to maintain governance." And the protection of people's fundamental rights, or at least I thought so."

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Although she called on people to recognize that Biden is older, Clinton avoided mentioning issues about Biden's mental capacity. Instead, he suggested that it was Trump who had memory problems.

She said, "Why would we say, 'Oh, you know what? Yes, he's still working and it will improve my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren, but he's too old now and I Don't you like it, seeing some old man?

"I mean, I think there's a lot of it, but if you're worried about it, listen to Donald Trump, who is blabbering on without meaning, he can't even remember who he's running against." He constantly talks about Barack Obama being his rival. Last time I checked, that wasn't happening."

Clinton said, "So, if you're worried about someone who doesn't know what's going on, I would be much more worried about Donald Trump."

Clinton also answered questions about whether concerns about Biden's age were a "proxy" for a reluctance to see a female president, while Vice President Kamala Harris waited.

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"It's a challenge for many Americans to think about a woman as president, and then, if that woman is also a black woman and the daughter of immigrants, you know, it can make it even more of a challenge," Clinton said. “But I think it has more to do with the fact that Americans are a little hesitant about age.”

A new poll from The New York Times and Siena College found that 61% of respondents who voted for Biden in 2020 agreed with the statement that "Joe Biden is just too old to be an effective president."

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