
Results from past Super Tuesday primary elections


The history of Super Tuesday is littered with the bones of presidential campaigns. In the average year since the 2008 election, more than 20% of available delegates are poised to win.

In 2020, Super Tuesday played a key role in ensuring President Joe Biden's victory. Until then, Biden was struggling in early voting states. But the day before Super Tuesday, many moderate Democrats turned out and endorsed Biden. Biden won 10 of the 14 states, winning 53% of the delegates and solidifying his victory as the Democratic nominee.

There were two days in 2016 that the media considered "Super Tuesday I and II". About half of the remaining delegates needed to win on Super Tuesday I were poised to win, but the four states with winner-take-all delegate distributions were poised to win in Super Tuesday II.

Former President Trump won a plurality of delegates on Super Tuesday I and a majority on Super Tuesday II, but the nomination was closed to him.

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