
Super Tuesday expected to boost Trump closer to clinching GOP nomination as Haley makes last stand


Donald Trump may not clinch the 2024 Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday.

But when GOP primaries or caucuses, known as Super Tuesday, are held in 15 states, the former president is likely to capture the lion's share of the 854 Republican delegates Trump is expected to win over his party. Will come very close to locking the presidential nomination. Last remaining opponent – Nikki Haley.

"This is a big deal and it's the most important primary day of the year," Trump told his supporters in a video posted on social media ahead of Super Tuesday.

Trump has won all but one of the first nine contests on the GOP nominating calendar, including North Dakota's Republican presidential caucuses on the eve of Super Tuesday.

Another strong performance by the former president in the coast-to-coast primaries and caucuses on Tuesday will help him in his mission to move from a primary battle with Haley to a rematch in the general election with President Biden, who defeated him four years ago. Won by defeating Trump. white House.

Trump asserted, "If every single conservative, Republican and Trump supporter in these states comes to Super Tuesday, we will be very close to ending this primary contest." “Then Republicans will be able to focus all of our energy, time and resources on defeating crooked Joe Biden.”

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