
University of California Forced To Suspend ‘Multicultural Center’ After It Says ‘Zionists Not Welcome’

 The University of California–Santa Barbara suspended its "Multicultural Center" just a day after the center clarified that Jews are not welcome and suggested that Jews drink blood.

The multicultural center MCC organized a "mass action" on Monday, where signs reading "Zionists are not welcome" appeared on doors. Signs in the windows read "F- Pinkwashing." Gays for Palestine," "Zionism is terrorism," and "When people are occupied, resistance is justified."

There were more than 100 signs inside the building, including "Dykes 4 Palestine," "DEI is white supremacy," "Zionists – just say you hate black, brown and indigenous," and some addressed to the student body president. Aimed to be "neutral". ,

“There were offensive social media messages and signage at the entrance to the Multicultural Center,” Chancellor Henry T. Yang wrote in an email to students. Campus offices are reviewing these unauthorized and unofficial messages,” the school paper reported. "Posting such messages violates our principles of community and inclusion."

Students for Israel, a pro-Israel campus group, said the multicultural center is excluding the Jewish community.

"While MCC is proud to be dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space for cultural minorities, this effort aims to silence, intimidate, intimidate, and discriminate against the Jewish community," the group said.

The Multicultural Center (MCC) social media "invoked anti-Semitism, including the infamous blood insult: 'Why does our school support a regime that feasts on the blood of our fellow human beings,'" USCB's Hillel, a Jewish group Said. “For more than 24 hours, these messages went unchallenged, while extremist elements celebrated the latest attempt to harass, threaten and intimidate Jewish students.”

The school paper said the meeting took place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and that the university administration was present.

UCSB MCC's official Instagram account reads, "In case we weren't clear, let's make it clear" above a photo of the front doors with the words "Zionists not welcome."

The day after Hamas' October 7 massacre, UCSB sociology department chair Lisa Hajjar celebrated online and UCSB students tore down posters of Israeli hostages.

UCSB history professor Butch Ware has claimed on his Instagram that it is a conspiracy that Hamas rapes people, and that "white supremacists are the real rapists." Another post is titled "The Death of Israel," stating that "settler colonial states have an expiration date." In another post he wrote that we are witnessing "the final collapse of Zionism" and "every theory of racial supremacy."

On October 22, after Ware made anti-Israel rhetoric, a Jewish parent wrote to Chancellor Yang calling attention to a speech in which Ware said of Israel, "Kill the beast." Don't cut the tentacles, stab it in the heart and the tentacles will die.'' The email reviewed by The Daily Wire called him "a black Muslim activist who is intent on linking BLM type actions to the Palestinian cause. " Yang did not respond.

A year earlier, MCC had organized an "anti-hate" event with "ethnic studies" activist Professor Dianne Fujino, who was married to Matef Harmachis, who had advocated for the exclusion of Jews from California's ethnic studies curriculum and Argued that he had "put very little effort into it." Help bring ES to our university and college campuses. And now he believes he has a say in the matter?”

Harmachis was first suspended from his job after catching a boy wearing an Israeli shirt, and later fired and convicted of beating another student.

Also on Monday at UC's Berkeley campus, protesters broke windows, intimidated students, and incited the crowd due to the presence of an Israeli speaker, Ron Bar-Yosefat.

WATCH: Jewish students forced to evacuate after mob attacks UC Berkeley with IDF soldier

The University of California system, the world's largest university system, was on the verge of allowing anti-Semites to make "ethnic studies" mandatory for high school students even before they apply, a move that would make the material public. And will apply it to private. High schools across the country.

A committee of the Academic Senate of the University of California voted not to pursue a resolution under pressure from the Board of Regents after Jews told the Regents how UC ethnic studies professors explicitly opposed a "railroad", Which would prevent ethnic studies from encouraging "bias". Bigotry, or discrimination,” which prosecutors said prevents them from teaching about Israel.

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