
What is Super Tuesday?


Super Tuesday is a day during the U.S. presidential primary election season when several states, usually from different regions around the country, hold their primary elections or caucuses in early March.

New Hampshire and Iowa were the first states to hold contests in the 2024 presidential election cycle in January.

Super Tuesday is considered an important day in the primary process, as the results of millions of voters can significantly impact the overall nomination for presidential candidates. This year's Super Tuesday will take place on March 5 and voting will close around 7 or 8 p.m. The results of many states will not be declared immediately.

On Super Tuesday 2024, states participating in the voting include California, Colorado, Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

Betsy Ankney, campaign manager for GOP candidate Nikki Haley, wrote in a memo early Tuesday that "regardless of the media narrative, there is significant fertile ground for Nikki."

“After Super Tuesday, we will have a much better picture of where this race is. At that time, millions of Americans will have voted in 26 states and territories,” the memo read.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has received several key endorsements from key Republican senators. A growing number of GOP lawmakers have urged Haley to step down, advocating for party unity behind Trump ahead of Super Tuesday.

South Carolina senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham have endorsed Trump, bypassing Haley, despite the former governor of the state from 2011-2017.

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